Frequently asked questions.

Frequently asked questions

What to expect on a first visit

Your child will receive a comprehensive eye exam, which includes dilation (opening of pupils) by using eye drops. Dilating the pupils helps the doctor get a clear view of the inside of your eyes and to properly examine the health of the optic nerve and retina. There is no additional fee for dilation, and it is included in a thorough eye examination.

What to bring on the first day of the appointment?

For a new patient, please arrive 10 minutes before your appointment time. We will have a few forms for you to fill out so we can learn more about you and any eye issues you may have. Please click on the link to access forms to print and fill out prior to your first visit with us.


We will also collect and copy your medical insurance card(s) and parent's photo ID/driver's license/valid ID.

**If a legal guardian is to accompany the patient, please notify our office prior to patient's appointment so that we can discuss what documentation is required at the time of the visit.

Please bring any previous or current glasses/contact lens prescriptions and any previous medical records (any previous eye surgeries or eye exams).

Total visit time may last from 1-2 hours Please make proper arrangements.

What to expect after the visit?

Depending on which dilating eye drops used, your child's pupils may be dilated for 4-6 hours or sometimes up to 24 hours.

Please be aware that the side effects from these dilation eye drops are mainly sensitivity to light/sun and temporary blurry vision especially focusing up close.

Patient's with lighter colored eyes tend to be more sensitive to light especially after dilation and the effects may last longer.We will offer temporary sunglasses before your child leaves our office. If you have sunglasses, you are welcome to use them as well.

Is there a Parking Area?

Yes, there is a Public Parking Garage – Medical Center Parking, located off by Bingham Street. Parking Rates:

  • First 2 hours - $3
  • 2-4 hours - $5
  • 4-8 hours - $9
  • 8-24 hours - $25
  • Valet Parking is available with a fee

Do you file with Medical or Vision Plan?

Here at Pediatric Ophthalmology Associates of Hawaii, we provide specialist services through Physician referrals.
Services we provide to patients with medical conditions are billed through your medical insurance and not your vision insurance.

We look forward to seeing you soon.